Our Values

Simplify your task.

"We prioritize clarity and simplicity in our processes and solutions, ensuring that every task is streamlined to enhance efficiency and effectiveness."

Kill “until…”

"We embrace the 'do it now' approach, prioritizing immediate action and decisive execution to drive results quickly and efficiently."

Get ride of secret rules.

"We eliminate self-imposed barriers by discarding secret rules, valuing an environment where testing new ideas and daring to think differently are encouraged and celebrated."

Have as much fun making errors.

"We celebrate the iterative process of advertising by embracing errors as opportunities for creativity and learning, ensuring that each mistake informs our next, better iteration and brings a bit of fun into our journey of continuous improvement."

Trade perfect for done.

"While we strive for excellence, we also recognize the importance of momentum and progress, opting to move projects forward rather than getting stalled by the pursuit of perfection."

Park the unimportant.

"We prioritize our efforts by setting aside less critical tasks, allowing us to focus on delivering results where they matter most to our clients and their audiences."

Meet the Team

  • Raymond Qin MSc


    Meet Raymond. Holding a Master of Science from the University of Amsterdam and a certificate in Brand Management from the University of Toronto, Raymond excels in developing comprehensive go-to-market strategies. His expertise has benefited major brands such as Merck, Pfizer, and AbbVie, delivering solutions that seamlessly align brand objectives with user-centric needs. With strong numeric capabilities and a talent for words, Raymond is committed to enhancing effective communication strategies in the health sector.

  • Victor Wong MFA


    Meet Victor Wong, a dynamic Design Lead whose passion for blending art and technology shapes his innovative approach to UX and design strategy. With a Master of Fine Arts from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and extensive experience in both digital and tangible design realms, Victor excels in creating solutions that enhance user engagement and operational efficiency. His notable achievements include leading UX projects for major pharmaceutical brands and pioneering digital tool ecosystems that significantly improve healthcare professionals' experiences. Victor's artistic sensitivity, combined with his technical expertise, makes him a visionary leader in design innovation.

  • Andy Tran MSc


    Meet Andy Tran, a software developer with a passion for using technology to improve lives. With advanced degrees in Health Policy from the London School of Economics and the London School of Hygiene, Andy expertly blends technical skill with a deep commitment to impactful solutions. His significant achievements include leading major software transformations at CalendarHero and Vendasta, enhancing both user experience and operational efficiency. Andy's unique approach to technology makes him a visionary leader in any tech-driven field.

— Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, 1964

“The Medium is the Message.”

In the dynamic realm of digital marketing, the wisdom of Marshall McLuhan's iconic phrase from 1964, "The medium is the message," resonates more powerfully than ever. This principle underscores the idea that the channels we choose to communicate—whether they be social media platforms, websites, or email campaigns—play a crucial role in shaping the perception and effectiveness of our messages.

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